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Application server in a sentence

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Sentence count:147Posted:2019-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: applicationsapplications programmeapplicationrun applicationmisapplicationapplication formapplication feejob application
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31. In order to generate these artifacts, you will use the wsgen tool that resides in the WAS_HOME/bin directory of your WebSphere Application Server installation.
32. The main performance bottleneck is the application server machine for various test runs with varying amounts of load.
33. The scope of the domain is variable and can range from a cell, cluster, or node to a node group or application server.
34. You avoid having to code a Java connector to communicate between a Web application server and a generated program that runs on CICS for MVS.
35. The users of enterprise applications accessing Encina servers will be authenticated by the J2EE application server.
36. Since this is a technical article, the focus is on technical solutions to securing systems,[] and specifically on the WebSphere Application Server piece of the security puzzle.
37. IBM WebSphere Application Server leverages WLM's queuing manager service to maintain the queues for passing requests from the control region to the servant regions.
38. Application Server Cell Name (Unicode) The cell name of the application server where the message was intercepted.
39. To get the port value, open the Application Server administrative console and find the CEI server Application Server bootstrap port address.
40. For more detailed information on creating a form-login page, see WebSphere Application Server v5 information center and look for the Form login sub-section under the Security section.
41. The use of channel compression can help increase the speed at which messages are transferred between an application server and a queue manager.
42. One of the first steps in the performance testing protocol for an application running on WebSphere Application Server is recording a base line set of results.
43. Then, the application server executes the JSP page, which uses the tag of JSTL to store the value of the address parameter into the dataModel bean.
44. You can either have a separate user registry for the application server, or a common user registry shared by both the J2EE application server and Encina (DCE).
45. Application Server only creates the session cookie for this user and assumes that this user has been authenticated.
46. And the system structure comprises user terminal equipment, network access equipment, intelligent conversion adapting system and multi-person interactive entertainment application server.
47. You should have a better understanding of how to use, define, and deploy DB2 resources on the Apache Geronimo application server.
48. From the results, it is observed that the WebSphere Application Server server network usage was more than 40% higher than that of the DB2 server.
49. It also selects several core deployment phases an application server should support, such as deployment, undeployment, and redeployment.
50. Individual users authenticate themselves at the application server, but the application itself presents to DB2 a generic authorization ID and password that are hard-coded in a program.
51. The cloud provider produces the application server service, but you might be completely unaware of what vendor's server you are receiving unless you negotiated a specific agreement with the provider.
52. The application server runtime uses these bindings to determine if a specific user has a role assigned, and then decides whether or not the protected resource can be accessed.
53. The previous article discussed how Application Server and Application Developer use an XML file called Schema.dbxmi to represent a relational database schema that is mapped to an EJB design.
54. Figure 9 describes the logical flow of network traffic through the Linux partition running the application server.
55. The preferred way to handle identity mapping is in the application server, performed by the infrastructure.
56. The identification of the end user must be passed to the TAI in a header called iv-user, which is inserted by WebSEAL into the HTTP request header sent from WebSEAL to the Application Server.
57. During the translation phase, the JSP page (also called the translation unit) has to be converted from text to an executable form so that it can run inside the application server.
58. In most realistic scenarios, large WebSphere Application Server users run multiple applications in the same shared cell.
59. Setting up a job management topology is a simple matter of creating a job manager profile and then registering application server nodes and deployment manager nodes with it.
60. The application server can use common device characteristics to display the data.
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